Catching Fire

Well I have finished book 5 of the year, Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins.  It was such a good book.  If you enjoyed reading Harry Potter or Twilight, then I suggest that you read the Hunger Games series.  I am on to the final book of the serials Mockingjay.  If anyone wishes to speak to me, then you can probably find me in a corner absorbed in the book.

I think I forgot how much I loved to read after I went to college and didn’t have a whole lot of time to read.  I guess that’s what life post-graduation is all about.

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Well my love for reading and my new dedication to read 52 books this year.  I have now finished 3 books.  The one I finished this morning was The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis.  It was such a good book.  My mom read the first few books of the Narnia series to me when I was little, but I haven’t read them since, so 7 of my books this year are planned to be the Narnia series.  I have finished the first two and love them.  C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors and I can’t wait to pick up the next book in the series, but first I am going to read Kisses from Katie, by Katie Davis.

If anyone has any suggestions for books that I should read this year, feel free to let me know.

The Help

So I finished my second book of the year last night, The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  It was such a good book and I recommend it to anyone who likes to read, wants a good read, has or hasn’t seen the movie, or really anyone in general.  I am keeping up with my goal to read a book a week so far and am now starting on my third book, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis.


The Magician’s Nephew

I have officially finished my first book of 2012, The Magician’s Nephew, by C.S. Lewis, the first in the Chronicles of Narnia series.   It was such a good book and an easy read.  My mom read several of the Narnia books to me when I was younger, but I haven’t read them since then or since I became a Christian.  It is crazy how many little things I picked up on that point to Christ and biblical principles in this book and I know that will be true of the rest of the books in the series too.

Tomorrow I am starting my second book of the year, The Help, before I start part 2 of the Narnia series.  At this rate, maybe I will try to read a book a week, but I’m not going to get too ambitious at this point.  If you have any suggestions of books I should read, let me know.

12 for 2012

Here are my 12 goals for 2012.

1. Read one book a month (at least)

2. Lose 40 pounds in a healthy way

3. Read through the bible cover to cover

4. Write one note/card/letter every week

5. Learn how to make one new food/dish every month

6. Be more diligent in my jobs and relationships

7.  Journal daily

8. Collect and save all of my change

9. Go somewhere I’ve never been before

10. Be diligent in budgeting

11. Spend one day a month as a break for myself doing whatever I want and relaxing

12. Blog at least once a week

30 Day Challenge – Books

My favorite book(s).  That “s” is necessary.  I don’t think I could pick out just one book that is my favorite.  I was the child that you could always find reading somewhere.  I would read in the car, in the bathtub, on the toilet, in my room, in school, at home, ANYWHERE.  I always had a book in my hand.  To this day I still love to read, but the amount of time that I have actually been able to spend reading in the past few years has been minimal, but I am hoping to pick that up again.  My goal for next year is to read a new book every month on my new Kindle that is coming for Christmas. 😀

Anywho… this blog post is supposed to be about my favorite books, not my love of reading and my reading plan.  So here they are in no particular order, just a random off the top of my head list.


Kelsey’s Favorite Books

1. The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald

2. Harry Potter 1-7 – J.K. Rowling

3. The Bible

4. To Kill A Mockingbird – Harper Lee

5. Radical – David Platt

6. Radical Together – David Platt

7. Come Looking For Me – Cheryl Cooper

8. Anything written by Karen Kingsbury

9. Screwtape Letters – C.S. Lewis

10. The Chronicles of Narnia – C.S. Lewis


If anyone has suggestions of books I should read, let me know.  I am going to be looking for thing to put on my Kindle.  My first couple are going to be Longing by Karen Kingsbury & The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.



So today is a day of Firsts for me: First day of February, First day of Seminary classes, First Seminary book finished, First day of Greek, First day of being a full time student and a full time employee. Sounds like a great day doesn’t it!


I am suer excited about school starting today, I am also very nervous. I know that God has me here for a reason, but figuring out the balance of everything is going to be interesting. I have so much to do already. Let the non-stop reading begin.